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Colour: black/liver/white
Dates: *31.5.1999 +21.3.2002
Sporting cynology:ZMMP
Agility: LA1

Occupation: Pet and assistant
Tranining: sporting cynology- basic, agility, dogdancing, assistent dog
Best character: attached, willing to do for whos he liked all
Nimble for: tracking for anything
Guard: very good defender- he was guardian for his family
Personality: temperament, unstoppable, wiling, peaceful, friendly, fast, .....i would wrote here many lines, if I wanted to describe him...

Afro´s great flair and training of sporting cynology(defense), I frequently used.
Should not the tragic accident, Afro would start training to search for drugs.

1.7.2000 -Detské prázdninové preteky o pohár Kynologickej revue (KE) 
- 21st place- our first competition 
12.8.2000-Agility (Nižná Myšľa) 
-6th place 

1.9.2000 -Kynologický deň (Jaklovce) 
-2nd place 

11.11.2000-Kondičný pretek poda ZMMP (Nižná Myšľa) 
-2nd place 

9.6.2001 -Skúška z výkonu poda ZMMP (Nižná Myšľa) 
-from 12 dogs has passed only 4 
-známka "GOOD"- rozhodca A. Fabian 

30.6.2001 -Detské prázdninové preteky (KE) 
-we have improved- we have achieved full 100 points -in history of this competition first
-1st miesto 

18.8.2001 -National show "orieškov" a "nepapierakov" (KE) 
-we reached final about Typical breed representative and we won competition "the best dog trick" 

26.8.2001 -Kynologický deň (Jaklovce) 
-3rd place